Boise Rock School Code of Conduct Release Parent's Name* First Last Child's Name* First Last Email* Phone Number* Permission to use image, voice and music recordings:*Permission to use image, voice and music recordings: * I/ We grant Boise Rock School the permission to use my student's images, voice or sound recordings in any medium, for any purpose including, but not limited to: use on, Boise Rock School's Facebook, Instagram and YouTube pages, in printed and promotional materials and in voice and music recordings. This permission will remain in effect beyond the time you or your child is a student of Boise Rock School. Your permission is helpful to promote Boise Rock School and its students—however, your permission is not necessary to otherwise participate in Boise Rock School's programs. Agree Disagree Drug and alcohol policy:*Boise Rock School maintains a strict, “zero tolerance” policy against illegal drug use and alcohol. This policy extends to both on and off the Boise Rock School property. Violation of this policy can lead to expulsion of the student from the Boise Rock School and notification of parents and police authorities. Expelled students are not eligible for a refund of tuition/ fees. Boise Rock School has no duty to monitor compliance with this or any other Boise Rock School policy. I/ We agree to release and hold harmless Boise Rock School, owners, employees and students from any and all damages or liabilities arising out of or in connection with a student's violation of the school's policy on alcohol and illegal drug use. I/ We further agree to waive any lawsuits or claims against Boise Rock School, its owners, teachers, or other employees related to to the liabilities resulting from a student's violation of this policy. Agree Disagree Acknowledge of risk and release:*I/ We understand that participation in Boise Rock School may potentially cause damage to my (my child's) hearing. I also understand that there may be certain hazards, dangers and risks associated with participation in Boise Rock School. I am advised by Boise Rock School that I (my child) may wear earplugs or other hearing protection devices when participating in Boise Rock School classes and activities because it will reduce the potential for hearing damage from such activities. I/We assume all risk for damage to my (my child's) health and hearing that may occur to due participation in Boise Rock School. When participating in Boise Rock School classes and activities, I agree to release and hold harmless Boise Rock School, owners, employees, volunteers and students from any and all liability for hearing damage or personal injury. I hereby waive any lawsuit, claim or cause of action from damages arising from injury, damage to hearing or other personal injury. Agree Disagree Boise Rock School's "Rules of Rock":*1) Don't talk OR PLAY when an instructor is talking or presenting a topic to the class. 2) Band classes choose songs in a democratic process. If you get outvoted, there will be a "next time." 3) Respect your classmates and respect your instructor. 4) If you have a conflict with a classmate or instructor, please communicate your concerns in a mature manner to the instructor or Boise Rock School administration. DO NOT talk behind others' backs. 5) At no time may a class decide that another band member should be kicked out, regardless of behavior, skill level, repeated absence, or any other reason. This is the choice of Boise Rock School. If these concerns arise please notify Boise Rock School administration. 6) There are many other ways to act inappropriately. Examples include using bad words, making inappropriate jokes, or using the internet to listen to songs that are inappropriate for rock school. Use your common sense when it comes to this 6th rule of rock. We are counting on you to know what is appropriate behavior for Boise Rock School. If you think it's a bad idea--don't do it. Agree Disagree Consequences*Listed below are the steps on increasing consequence for undesirable behavior at Boise Rock School. 1) Verbal warning. This is more than just a "Hey you knock it off." You'll know when you get a verbal warning. 2) Being asked to sit out of playing a song to regroup one's attitude. 3) Parent meeting. 4) Removal from the band setting and placement into private lessons. 5) Expulsion from the Boise Rock School with no eligibility for a refund. Note that more serious offenses may result in skipping steps in order to deal with the infraction in the most effective way possible. Agree Disagree Additional Contact Info*Please enter your additional contact information including phone and spouse/ other guardian email. ALSO, please include the contact for a nanny/ relative if your student is commonly dropped off by someone else. Additional InfoPlease let us know if your student has any pertinent allergies, etc. Home zip code* CAPTCHA