Beginning guitar students will learn parts of a guitar, string names, how to tune, how to read tab, how to hold a pick, how to count whole, half, quarter, 8th and 16th notes, how to play a song using root notes, and how to play power chords.
Beginning bass students will learn parts of the bass, string names, how to hold bass, how to tune, how to read tab, how to play with fingers, how to count whole, half, quarter, 8th and 16th notes, and how to play a song using root notes.
Intermediate guitar students will learn all the notes on the bottom E and A strings, how to palm mute use, proper fret hand technique, open chords A, C, D, E, G, Am, Dm, Em and F, minor pentatonic scale, how to tune by ear and harmonics, basic strum patterns, simple rock licks and the major scale.
Intermediate bass students will learn all the notes on the bottom E and A strings, proper fret hand technique, open string muting, how to play octaves, pick style technique, major scale, minor pentatonic scale, and string crossing.
Beginning students will learn how to hold drumsticks, drum posture, RLRL rudiment, drum set vocabulary, bass drum basics, how to play a quarter note kick/ snare beat to song, how to read drum notation, how to play a rock beat with quarter note on hi-hat, ride or toms along with kick and snare, and how to play quarter, 8th and 16th notes on snare.
Intermediate students will learn how to play high and low strokes (hands together, 2 inch, 10 inch), double stroke rudiments, rock beat with 8th note on hi-hat, ride or toms along with kick and snare, basic fills (crash cymbal on 1, quarter, 8th, triplet and 16ths), four on floor, paradiddle rudiments, flam rudiments, how to count rests and how to play 16th note beats.
Beginning students will learn the notes on piano, how to use both hands on keys, how to count whole, half, quarter, 8th and 16th notes, how to play songs using single root notes, how to add bass root notes with left hand, how to play basic triads in C major, and how to read staff.
Intermediate students will learn how to play songs using fifths with right hand, understand sharps and flats, all major and minor triads in C major, C major scale, major triads in other keys, and how to switch between majors and minor triads quickly.
Beginning students will learn best posture for singing, how to match pitch, the basics of solfege, how to count whole, half, quarter and 8th notes, how to warm up with neutral syllables, how to be able to sing a full song on pitch, the basics of vowel formation and breath support.
Intermediate students will learn the basics of vocal anatomy, how sing C major scale, how to sing basic intervals, ear training, how to sing with dynamics, smooth register transitions, diction, articulation and tongue placement.
Learn the play one of the funnest, most economical stringed instruments of all time! You’ll learn chords, scales, strum patterns and, most importantly, SONGS!